

Matthew "Dr. Matt" Zakreski, PsyD is a high-energy professional speaker and clinical psychologist who specializes in working with neurodivergent (gifted, 2e, ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, etc.) people. He has spoken more than 400 times all over the world on both stages and podcasts about supporting neurodivergent people in all walks of life, from schools to college to the workplace. Dr. Matt specializes in taking knowledge of the brain, human behavior, and clinical psychology and making that accessible and practical for people to improve their lives.

Dr. Matt is the co-founder and lead clinician at The Neurodiversity Collective, an active member of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) and Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG), as well as the New Jersey Association for Gifted Children (NJAGC) and the Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education (PAGE).

Dr. Matt's Story

Dr. Matt grew up as a gifted child from a small New Jersey town. He was identified in second grade and diagnosed with ADHD in high school. Despite lacking terminology like "twice-exceptionality" or "neurodivergence," he embraced his nerd culture in high school through activities like musical theater, improv, and choir.

Following undergrad at Wake Forest and a stint at Harvard, he delved into educational travel before discovering his passion for working with neurodivergent learners during grad school. This experience ignited his career trajectory. After completing his post-doctoral training he opened his practice, The Neurodiversity Collective, focusing on mental health and education for neurodivergent individuals.

Dr. Matt's career exploded into speaking engagements worldwide, covering topics in social-emotional learning for neurodivergent youth and more. He’s spoken more than 400 times across the globe and guested on dozens of podcasts. He has conducted numerous psycho-educational evaluations for kids and advocates for them in schools, colleges, and job interviews. This has also led to consulting with companies to better serve employees (and help the bottom line and morale). Dr. Matt has worked with companies like IBM and Day Pitney Law Firm in developing accessible, achievable strategies designed to accommodate their neurodivergent employees.

Dr. Matt lives in New Jersey with his wife and their two children.

If you’d like to book an interview, email [email protected] to set it up!

Interview Topics
